Glad Tidings

About Author

AUTHOR The author was born and brought up in an orthodox Hindu setting. He embraced Roman Catholicism when he was 16 years old. Later he became an active teacher of its practices. As years went by, he felt both the faiths failed him. He then became an atheist. But in the year 1979, the Spirit of God opened his eyes to the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. His transformation was a miracle indeed.

He was excited by his encounter with truth as revealed in the Holy Bible. He narrated his transformation experience briefly in his first book, “FROM TRADITIONS TO TRUTH”. This book is also a study on the false doctrines propounded by apostate Christendom and the gospel of our Blessed Lord.

This book was first published in 1993. Since then this book has been reprinted nine times owing to its continued demand and wide popularity. The Lord has immensely used this book for the conversion of many souls hailing from various backgrounds, including Roman Catholics, Nominal Christians, Jews and Hindus. His other books are: Apocrypha-Can it be Part of the Bible?, Israel- the Final Countdown, the Quest & the Conquest, Life of Jesus, & the Scarlet Thread.

The author has a bachelor’s Degree in European history (B.A), and a Masters Degree in Law, besides having a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management. The author's Christian name is JOHN NADESAN. However, he retained the name Kumaru Nadesan as his penname for the glory of God.